“The atmosphere of the supernatural which surrounded us was so intense that we hardly noticed our own existence for a long period of time. We stayed in the same position in which he [the angel] had left us and repeated the prayer again and again. The presence of God was so intense and intimate to us that even between ourselves we could not say a word. On the next day we were still surrounded by the same atmosphere and it only disappeared very gradually.”
“The peace and joy that we experienced were great, but only interior; our souls were completely focused on God. The physical fatigue that it caused us was also great.”
Sister Lucia explains regarding the appearance of the angel in Cabeço, in the spring of 1916.
“These words of the Angel were engraved in our spirit, like a light that made us understand who God is, how much He loves us and wants to be loved by us, the value of sacrifice, how much it pleases him, and how, thanks to sacrifice, God converts sinners.”
Sister Lucia explains regarding the appearance of the angel in Cabeço, in the summer of 1916.
“...Our Lady opened her hands for the first time, communicating to us a light as intense as a reflection that radiated from them, which penetrated our chests and the innermost part of the soul, and allowed us
to see ourselves in God – who was that light – more clearly than we see ourselves in the best of mirrors...”
“Our Lady's appearance once again plunged us into the supernatural, but in a much gentler way. Instead of that dejection in the divine presence that prostrated us even physically, it left us a peace, an expansive joy that did not prevent us from immediately speaking about what had happened.”
Sister Lucia explains regarding the apparition of Our Lady on May 13, 1917.
The vision they had of the Immaculate Heart “flesh colored and surrounded as by a stalk of wild gorse”, was linked to the mysterious vision they had had when, for the second time, Our Lady opened her hands and “communicated to them the reflection of this immense light” that emanated from her. “It seems to me that, on that day, the main objective of this reflection was to instil in us a special knowledge and love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was like the other two times, when she had had the same objective, but in relation to God and the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Since that day, we have felt in our hearts a more ardent love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
Sister Lucia explains regarding the apparition of Our Lady on June 13, 1917.
“We were as on fire in this light that is God and we were not burning! ... I love God so much! ... But he is so sad because of so many sins!”
Francisco of Fatima.